A Day in the Mind of Chris Burzlaff

The new and improved daily adventures and incomprehensible ramblings of my life.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Book to Film

In light of the new Harry Potter film release, Becca posed an interesting question to me today at work. What, in your opinion, is the best book-to-movie adaptation in which you've both read the book and seen the movie? I thought about it and came up with a Top 5:

1. A Clockwork Orange
2. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
3. Blade Runner
4. The Wizard of Oz
5. Frankenstein

I ranked these movies based on their adaptation of the book to the screen and how both combined impact me. This is why "The Wizard of Oz" is not ranked higher; even though I think it's the best movie of the 5, to me it's not the best adaptation of the book.

With this in mind, what are some of your favorite book-to-film adaptations? I believe we okay'd made for TV movies and in my opinion plays are not books.

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