A Day in the Mind of Chris Burzlaff

The new and improved daily adventures and incomprehensible ramblings of my life.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Another Busy Week

Somehow I feel these past two weeks might be more of an indication of what my life is going to be like this semester. I haven't been as social this week, but I'm still trying to make-up for my lack of work last week. Therefore this'll only be a short post because I've got to run to class yet and do some more work tonight. However, I did want to tell you about my night with my brother Patrick last night. He's currently on his choir tour, as you may recall, and they are on their last leg of the tour, which ends here in Los Angeles. Anyway, he had a day off yesterday, so after my midterm yesterday (yes, already) I picked him up and we went to the Grove. We ate a good dinner and then we caught yet another movie: Sideways. This of course will affect my top ten list, but I am leaving the Movie Poll as is until I deem it over. Speaking of which, I've got some great input from people and some interesting results that I will share probably sometime next week when I close the poll. So if you haven't taken it yet, you should by clicking the link on the right! Check back sometime tomorrow or Saturday for an update from tonight's film.

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