Weekend Update
So the challenge for this semester is going to be to learn how to keep up the posts amidst my various activities. I've had several adventures these past few days which has thrown off my posting routine, but I will not easily forget my loyal readers! And so, I will bring you up to speed on some of the more relevant issues in my life.
Issue #1: Roommate Situation
My last post alluded to the fact that I was getting a new roommate to fill the vacant spot left by my Italy-wandering architect friend. Well here is a picture of my new roommate:
Ok, so the truth is that after some strange guy came by on Tuesday to look at the room and to tell me that he was moving in the next day, nothing has happened. It is 4 days later and no roommate. He up and disappeared or something. All I know is that it's now 2 weeks that I've had an apartment to myself. If no one shows up after this next week, I will be conquering the other half of the apartment. Just imagine what I could do with all that closet space!
Issue #2: Pajama Jam
Thursday night after class, I headed over to Ethan's place for a pajama party. I went in my Charlie Brown pajamas with my robe, slippers and pipe for sophistication. I also decided not to shave or to make my hair at all presentable since that is typically how I look like when I wake up in the morning. For the first 30 minutes or so I was looking at pictures Rachel had on her computer from her recent trip to NY followed by all the other pictures she has. After rejoining the party, I hung out with people and was entertained by people playing 10 fingers. I knew it was getting late when Heidi decided it was time to give my eyes a make-over (though I must admit I walked home looking quite elegant in make-up and pajamas).
Issue #3: Pictures
After having Rachel send me several of the pictures she has on her computer along with the pictures from the pajama party, I've decided to post some of these pictures so that people can visually see how I'm spending my time these days. So you can check out the pictures from all the wild nights I spend simply by clicking on the link to your right.
Issue #4: Friday Night
As if I didn't do enough socializing on Thursday night, I was feeling adventurous and went to the beach Friday night to join in a beach bonfire barbeque. I was just tagging along and so only knew a few people there, but that didn't stop us from gorging ourselves out on free food. We cooked up hot dogs, hamburgers, veggieburgers, s'mores, and even a giant skewered ham. Once the eating was over, there wasn't much to stay for, especially since it was getting colder and especially since I was getting hit on by a gay guy. So we left and came back to my apartment where I invited some more friends over to watch a movie (taking advantage of my no roommate situation). It's been quite fun having back-to-back outings, but also rather draining.
Issue #5: Comments
A few of you have complained about the commenting process now and how it sucks compared to the original method. I agree it does suck now that I redid my weblog. So I am currently trying to troubleshoot the situation (if only I knew Java better).
Issue #6: Thursday Night Movie
Because this post was delayed and has been catching you up on the details of my life, I will talk about my weekly movie adventure tomorrow. So stay tuned!
Issue #1: Roommate Situation
My last post alluded to the fact that I was getting a new roommate to fill the vacant spot left by my Italy-wandering architect friend. Well here is a picture of my new roommate:

Ok, so the truth is that after some strange guy came by on Tuesday to look at the room and to tell me that he was moving in the next day, nothing has happened. It is 4 days later and no roommate. He up and disappeared or something. All I know is that it's now 2 weeks that I've had an apartment to myself. If no one shows up after this next week, I will be conquering the other half of the apartment. Just imagine what I could do with all that closet space!
Issue #2: Pajama Jam
Thursday night after class, I headed over to Ethan's place for a pajama party. I went in my Charlie Brown pajamas with my robe, slippers and pipe for sophistication. I also decided not to shave or to make my hair at all presentable since that is typically how I look like when I wake up in the morning. For the first 30 minutes or so I was looking at pictures Rachel had on her computer from her recent trip to NY followed by all the other pictures she has. After rejoining the party, I hung out with people and was entertained by people playing 10 fingers. I knew it was getting late when Heidi decided it was time to give my eyes a make-over (though I must admit I walked home looking quite elegant in make-up and pajamas).
Issue #3: Pictures
After having Rachel send me several of the pictures she has on her computer along with the pictures from the pajama party, I've decided to post some of these pictures so that people can visually see how I'm spending my time these days. So you can check out the pictures from all the wild nights I spend simply by clicking on the link to your right.
Issue #4: Friday Night
As if I didn't do enough socializing on Thursday night, I was feeling adventurous and went to the beach Friday night to join in a beach bonfire barbeque. I was just tagging along and so only knew a few people there, but that didn't stop us from gorging ourselves out on free food. We cooked up hot dogs, hamburgers, veggieburgers, s'mores, and even a giant skewered ham. Once the eating was over, there wasn't much to stay for, especially since it was getting colder and especially since I was getting hit on by a gay guy. So we left and came back to my apartment where I invited some more friends over to watch a movie (taking advantage of my no roommate situation). It's been quite fun having back-to-back outings, but also rather draining.
Issue #5: Comments
A few of you have complained about the commenting process now and how it sucks compared to the original method. I agree it does suck now that I redid my weblog. So I am currently trying to troubleshoot the situation (if only I knew Java better).
Issue #6: Thursday Night Movie
Because this post was delayed and has been catching you up on the details of my life, I will talk about my weekly movie adventure tomorrow. So stay tuned!
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