A Day in the Mind of Chris Burzlaff

The new and improved daily adventures and incomprehensible ramblings of my life.

Monday, August 06, 2007

All the Rage

I’m behind on my postings because work has been busy. So I need to write about the wedding week that we went through for my brother and update on the artist of the month for July. All I need is some time from work to post. I would post about one of these two topics today except I have this pounding headache, which I’ve never experienced before at work, but when I think about it is slightly humorous (and grossly painful).

The day after Paul’s wedding, we had family over and played basketball in our pool. I got badly knocked around and had bruises and scrapes all over my body, including a small bump on my forehead. I was almost finished with the last Harry Potter book, so I kept joking about how it was my Voldemort scar. The bump has since gone away, though that spot is still a little tender. Last night I had a strange dream where I was running around with friends and family frantically searching for something. Time was running out and I was searching for a horocrux, which I inevitably found to be five severed fingertips set in a block of ice with different painted fingernails. (Note - This is not so random since I’ve started watching Dexter from my Showtime on Demand, which involves these same fingers in ice). My cohorts and I quickly disposed of the object just before I awoke from my slumber.

Now my head is hurting for the first time like this at work. Coincidence? I can feel Voldemort’s rage.

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