A Day in the Mind of Chris Burzlaff

The new and improved daily adventures and incomprehensible ramblings of my life.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Office Anecdote

In our single-toilet employee bathroom at work, there's a small storage bin about toiletseat height with drawers placed between the toilet and sink. I had always assumed that the drawers were empty and that it was used as a small table for company newsletters to be placed upon so that the other employees could know what was going on in the company. You know that sort of:

"Well, time to bone up on the company mission statement."
"Conference call Bob?"
"No, gotta take a dump."

I should start referring to going to the bathroom as 'boning up on my mission statement' from now on. Anyway, the purpose of this story (if I ever get to it) is that one day I went in to 'bone up on my mission statement' and noticed one of the drawers slightly ajar. What caught my eye was not the fact that it was open but in fact that it had stuff in it. My initial reaction was that they were probably filled with archived employee newsletters for those extra long mission statement sessions. However, I saw something that looked familiar in the print that was slightly peeking out. I opened the drawer further and found, to my surprise, that it was completely full of Terry Pratchett books! What had caught my eye was The Color of Magic, one of the few I've read. This is quite a surprise and gives me a whole new perspective on my "mission statement" time.

I might just spend a little longer in the bathroom these last few weeks. Hopefully the other employees won't be distracted too much by my uncontrollable laughter. In fact, I have some boning up to do myself....


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