A Day in the Mind of Chris Burzlaff

The new and improved daily adventures and incomprehensible ramblings of my life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Sleepless Night....

There's nothing quite like your neighbor blasting "Footloose" at 2am when you're trying to fall asleep....

In a completely unrelated topic, I've added links to a few other weblogs along the side under "For Your Consideration." I figure this is not only a good way to advertise for other's daily lame accounts, just like mine, but it also allows me to access all of these sites whenever/wherever I am. So far it's just a couple, but if you feel that your web presence should be advertised as well, let me know and I'll toss you up there. I'm continuously working to improve this site and its content, with a few new ideas for weekly/bi-weekly regular posts. If you have any suggestions in regards to either content or format, let me know and I'll try and accommodate you if I can.

For now, however, I think it's time to make-up for my lack of sleep....


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