Auld Lang Syne
I can't believe that I'm actually taking time to write something here. The past couple of months, or more specifically since I've started my new job, has been extremely busy. I will be surprised if I'm able to keep this up throughout the year; however, that hasn't really stopped me in the past.
Just to remind everyone, around the end of October (about when I stopped posting) I changed job roles within my company. So far it's been interesting and challenging, but it's a return to actual engineering so I'm starting to get some use out of my degree. Unfortunately, it means more meetings and less time to get work done, which in turn reduces the time I take for myself. I've let this site fall to the wayside, but I did take small steps to counter it at the end of last year by finally signing up for Facebook. I felt like I was missing out on the best opportunity to keep in touch with friends from my past, since I am no longer using any instant messaging service, nor do I have time to write emails or posts. This way I can quickly interact with those who are no longer around.
I can't say that I've been doing too much since my last postings. November and December were filled with the usual holiday festivities. The one exciting thing that did happen was being able to dance in Bakersfield again. One time was with my company's holiday party where Big Bad Voodoo Daddies (as seen in the movie "Swingers) performed, and the other was when Royal Crown Revue (as seen in the movie "The Mask") came to town. I've had numerous people come up to Jessica and me asking where we learned how to dance or if we were dance instructors. Aside from that 2007 ended with the usual parties and hanging out with people who were in town.
2008 started out with a bang as Nate and I went to the Rose Bowl to see USC play Illinois in football. It was an amazing opportunity and we both had a lot of fun, plus enjoyed a great game put on by USC. Here's a picture I took towards the end of the game.

As for new year resolutions.... Well, I might have to post about that another time if I can remember any. So this is my new life, and we will see how 2008 treats us all!
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