A Star is Born
"I'll never watch an awards show again, unless that delightful Billy Crystal's involved!"
-- Bart Simpson, The Front
So it was a magical night here in Los Angeles and the stars came out to shine. Unfortunately, only those from New Zealand could find somthing to cheer about. Yes, it was the 76th annual Academy Awards! All in all it was a memorable evening, for the cast of Lord of the Rings, and in the end I felt compelled to do a little spiel on the night as a whole. So without further ado, here are some comments on the evening's events.
1. I realized that I really don't like films amassing lots of Oscars, primarily for two reasons. Reason the first: it removes all the suspense from the show. There's always that anticipation of who's going to win an award, and in the case of tonight, by the end it became "Gee, who's gonna win this one?" The second reason is that it really detracts from the other great films of the year. To say some movies only received one, two, or zero Oscars compared to the 11 won by another really does it a disservice.
2. Outfit of the night: Ben Stiller's 70's attire paves way to the new, retro Oscar ceremonies to come.
3. Quote of the night: "We're so thankful that 'Lord of the Rings' did not qualify in this category," Denise Robert, producer of "The Barbarian Invasions", winner of the Best Foreign Film Award.
4. Lesson of the night: A bicycle and a vacuum cleaner are just musical instruments lying around the house! Think of the other musical instrument opportunities waiting to be explored! Some ideas include - toasters, sewing machines, shovels, and antiques!
4. Is it me or does Howard Shore the real Harry Potter?

5. Second Best Performance of the Night: The Mitch and Mickey reunion performance of 'Kiss at the End of the Rainbow' to recreate the scene in A Mighty Wind. Not only were the actors there performing it, but they did it in character and even gave us the tensioned kiss at the end. Wonderful!
6. Best Performance of the Night: Jack Black and Will Ferrell's performance that should have won best original song. You had to have seen it to enjoy it, that's all I can say...
And much like the really Oscars, I will leave you in an anticlimactic fashion once all the hype is....
-- Bart Simpson, The Front
So it was a magical night here in Los Angeles and the stars came out to shine. Unfortunately, only those from New Zealand could find somthing to cheer about. Yes, it was the 76th annual Academy Awards! All in all it was a memorable evening, for the cast of Lord of the Rings, and in the end I felt compelled to do a little spiel on the night as a whole. So without further ado, here are some comments on the evening's events.
1. I realized that I really don't like films amassing lots of Oscars, primarily for two reasons. Reason the first: it removes all the suspense from the show. There's always that anticipation of who's going to win an award, and in the case of tonight, by the end it became "Gee, who's gonna win this one?" The second reason is that it really detracts from the other great films of the year. To say some movies only received one, two, or zero Oscars compared to the 11 won by another really does it a disservice.
2. Outfit of the night: Ben Stiller's 70's attire paves way to the new, retro Oscar ceremonies to come.
3. Quote of the night: "We're so thankful that 'Lord of the Rings' did not qualify in this category," Denise Robert, producer of "The Barbarian Invasions", winner of the Best Foreign Film Award.
4. Lesson of the night: A bicycle and a vacuum cleaner are just musical instruments lying around the house! Think of the other musical instrument opportunities waiting to be explored! Some ideas include - toasters, sewing machines, shovels, and antiques!
4. Is it me or does Howard Shore the real Harry Potter?

5. Second Best Performance of the Night: The Mitch and Mickey reunion performance of 'Kiss at the End of the Rainbow' to recreate the scene in A Mighty Wind. Not only were the actors there performing it, but they did it in character and even gave us the tensioned kiss at the end. Wonderful!
6. Best Performance of the Night: Jack Black and Will Ferrell's performance that should have won best original song. You had to have seen it to enjoy it, that's all I can say...
And much like the really Oscars, I will leave you in an anticlimactic fashion once all the hype is....
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