Philosophically speaking...
The trouble with ethical essays is that you start thinking philosophically and come up with these great questions with no real answers. Some of the following are questions I'm dealing with now on my report on the ethics of replacing workers with robotic technologies:
Is it ethical to develop technology that will increase work efficiency but in turn will eliminate human jobs?
Should humans have more rights over machines when it comes to jobs?
If eliminating harm to persons is part of your ethic code, which is the lesser harm: exposure to unsafe work environments or financial harm caused by losing a job to a robot?
And regarding to the Simpson's tonight:
Is it possible to end up with a higher IQ than the person who helps you cheat on your IQ test?
Feel free to comment on any of the questions. It'll give me something to think about as I delve into this topic more.
Is it ethical to develop technology that will increase work efficiency but in turn will eliminate human jobs?
Should humans have more rights over machines when it comes to jobs?
If eliminating harm to persons is part of your ethic code, which is the lesser harm: exposure to unsafe work environments or financial harm caused by losing a job to a robot?
And regarding to the Simpson's tonight:
Is it possible to end up with a higher IQ than the person who helps you cheat on your IQ test?
Feel free to comment on any of the questions. It'll give me something to think about as I delve into this topic more.
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