A Few Updates...

So I know that I've been slacking on my postings, but the longer one goes without posting the more stuff occurs that deserves posting and it all just piles up. Then you have to start finding both the time and the effort for a longer post and the whole thing perpetuates into one big mess. Its sort of like doing dishes.... which reminds me.... The other part of it is that I've been writing so many confounded reports and papers these past few weeks that the idea of sitting in front of a computer and writing some more loses its appeal. But I'm back for now and with several updates:
Update #1: As I'm sure most of my fellow readers are aware of, my 21st birthday was last Friday; and no I did not get wasted. Instead my family came down and we spent the evening together. Now that's not to say I didn't have anything to drink. On advice from the waiter at the Yardhouse, I received a half-yard Gosser Dark. For those of you who don't know, a half-yard is a glass that is literally a half-yard long! They do sell full yards which come with their own stands to hold them, and I swear you'd have to stand up to drink one of those! I ended up drinking the entire yard and afterwards felt slightly disconnected but still functional. I'd say I was just a step below buzzed.
Saturday night was a real treat when I went out to dinner with several friends from the LA area and had an all around great night! I did pound out a few more drinks, as per the request of my friends, some of whom wanted to get me full on drunk, but that didn't fortunately happen since I did have to drive back home! All in all, it was a pretty good birthday and once school ends I'll get more of my birthday treats. So far though, I got the "Kill Bill" DVD and another one is on its way.
Update #2: As I mentioned in a previous post I wanted to sing the part of the Major General in "I Am The Very Model Of A Major General". So one day in class, we were rehearsing the choral part of the song when Dr. Gothold looked at me and asked if I wanted to take a go at it. So essentially this was my audition. He asked me what tempo I wanted to go at, and I told him to go as fast as he desired. He smiled and I smiled back, cause I knew I could handle whatever he threw at me. So we started and I sang through the entire thing, and when it was all done I got the biggest applause from the choir! Needless to say, I had the part then and there. In fact when I still sing the solo, people still applaud when its over (and not because they were glad it was over, though that is perhaps a possibility). Also I was informed today that I get to dance during the parts that I'm not singing! Our concert is Friday evening, April 30th on the USC campus and believe me it will be one you wouldn't want to miss!
Update #3: Classes officially end a week from tomorrow. Let me repeat that, SCHOOL'S OVER IN A WEEK! Now this statement isn't entirely true, because I have to stay around an extra week for my one final and to finish up a couple of my other projects. Everything will be coming down to the wire. One project that I am particularly proud of is our Lego robot goalie we're building for the Robosoccer we'll be playing. Thanks to some of the Legos I brought from home, we now have a fully functional Pirate ship goalie. The TA was kind enough to let us embellish on the size requirements a bit and as such, we've got a huge monolith with a full mast and sails, canons, anchor, a dingy in the back, and wenches to hold our camera! And it also works (surprise)! We'll be holding our competition in the California Science Center across the street from campus on Thursday, May 6th starting at around noon. People are welcome to come so if anyone wants to come and watch let me know and I can give more accurate details. There will also be cameras there so hopefully our ship will make it on TV.
I think this post is long enough, so I will end here for now and hopefully update a bit more in the next few days. On a final note, I stumbled across a website for Evil Dead: The Musical! I don't think I need to say anything else....
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