So I suppose I should update this thing. Hey everybody! I’m back… well at least for now. It seems that I have been enjoying a month long vacation away from personal correspondence, though not entirely by choice. I will admit that there have been times when I could have written a web post in those waning hours of my work day between me and freedom, but for the most part those opportunities have come few and far between in the last couple of weeks. To put it quite frankly, times are busy! Going all the way back to July, I spent time getting ready for my brother’s wedding, following that I spent my time in August getting ready for some European traveling, and it would seem that upon my return I would have nothing to hinder me from getting back to the updating. That is, nothing except my job.
September and now October are “crunch” months typically for me and my position – no real surprises there and I had prepared myself before traveling to expect as such. The only problem is that I underestimated the situation for this particular year. The workload has seemingly doubled and now in the midst of everything, I am change job roles within the company. Soon I will be a fully functioning Facilities Engineer (meaning that I get to install new equipment now), but until that changeover happens, I will be sitting between two job positions while preparing for a company audit. That can only mean fun-times!
So I’ve changed my culture to deal with the overflowing workload and trying to keep up with it all, thereby letting my communications to all fall to the wayside. It hasn’t just been this weblog, but really all my correspondences with friends outside of phone calls. For those of you who have written me emails that I have not replied to yet, I’m sorry for my silence. I will also admit that I still get stricken by the lazy bug and I thought that getting internet at home would help deal with these situations. Unfortunately, I don’t even want to look at a computer once work is over, and the notion of sitting at a desk and typing a letter/post out falls to the bottom of my list of priorities.
That said, I will spare you a few updates to feed your curiosity before my next update (whenever that may be now). September was full of lots of traveling (another possible reason for not writing more) as Jess and I spent the first week still in Europe. Once we returned, I left the next weekend to fly to Oklahoma for Bryan’s funeral. The weekend after that was Natalie’s wedding on the beach in Santa Barbara, and this past weekend my family went to the USC football game for my dad’s birthday. My mom had shoulder surgery to fix an old muscle tear and will be down an appendage for the next several weeks, so I’ve been trying to spend some time at their house to help make dinner and do minor tasks. I’ve also been trying to coordinate meals around Jess’s evening class schedule, as well as instituting Hitchcock Movie Night every Friday night for the month of October.
It doesn’t stop there because I’m going down to USC again this Thursday to do some company recruiting. Things keep piling up and I keep trying to knock them down. Maybe soon I can get back to posting more, but don’t have too high of expectations.