Post Spring Break Post

To summarize the collage, I've added numbers to each picture to help tell the stories. Each number/picture corresponds to a different event that occurred and the key for each is listed as:
1. Barnes & Noble where Rebecca, Rachel and I went on our random adventure on Rachel's birthday evening. Possibly one of the few stores open at 10:30pm on a Sunday night. (see 4 & 9 for more details)
2. "Robots". The only movie I saw in theaters over break. Rob, Becca and I got some drinks beforehand and enjoyed an almost empty theatre to ourselves.
3. This represents the other movies I saw over break including the ones I bought: "Donnie Darko", "Blood Simple", "Dark City", and "What's Up, Tiger Lily?"
4. On Rachel's birthday night we went exploring along with Rebecca and ended up at a seedy looking bar called "The Belvedere" that Rachel had apparently always wanted to go to. We played a little pool there and proceeded to other destinations (see 1 & 9).
5. This ham represents all the good food I had these past 2 weeks including Easter dinner on Sunday. *Drool*
6. Pretty much the rest of my break was spent playing lots of video games, and I acknowledge this fact here. For those who appreciate it, the existence of "Majobo" was created.
7. I went wine tasting with my family and Rebecca during break and tried/bought some really good wines. Nothing says Spring Break like a little wine in the sun.
8. I celebrated Easter with the family, where we were all together for some good food and family bonding.
9. After going to "The Belvedere" (see 4) we went to Kinkos since they are open on a Sunday late night. Rachel ran into a friend there and we all took to the kids table for crayon drawings of pictures.
10. (See 11 & 12 first). We took Nat and Tommy to CPK after the bar (after driving around for 30+ minutes to confuse her of her whereabouts, doing doughnuts in parking lots). We all got a good meal, got free cheesecake (cause I've got connections) and had another drink there.
11. In honor of Natalie's birthday (which was today officially), Rachel and I kidnapped her and decided to take her around town. This was totally spontaneous and we didn't know where we were going or what we were doing. So we blindfolded Nat and took her and her boyfriend Tommy with us. (Continue to 12 below)
12. Our first stop with Nat was a bar downtown which we walked her to still blindfolded. She got a free drink (though forgot her I.D.) and a free shot while Rach and I each had a drink to subside ourselves. (Continue to 10).
13. And of course to kick the whole break off, I went to Disneyland, which was as fun and as magical as ever. I had a really great picture taken here and when I get it, I'll post it up here.
So that pretty much sums up my break. I gotta say, I ate too much and had too much fun, cause now I don't feel like doing any work.