Yesterday was President’s Day, which meant a 3-day weekend for all schools and most businesses. I say ‘most’ because regrettably I worked yesterday. But I don’t see it as a negative thing since to me it was just another Monday and with the weeks going by so quickly now, I can work through a holiday now and then. Besides, I get 3-day weekends every other week, so it’s not that big of a deal.
What is sad about this past weekend was the fact that it was the first time in 4 years that I hadn’t gone anywhere to visit anyone. Usually at this time of the year, I make a trip up to Berkeley to visit Rob and often Amanda. Since I had to work yesterday and since Rob is no longer in Berkeley (Glendale is such an easier drive) and since my car shouldn’t go on long distance trips it was out of the question to go anywhere. I’m currently working on the car situation and am trying to set aside some 3-day weekends to make some trips, but it’s almost sad that those days are behind me now.
Now that I’m working, I need to establish some new traditions, visiting people both north and south of here. I keep joking that the next time in LA will be so overwhelming with all the people I need to see before I leave. That’s the problem when you don’t visit; the people you need to see increases exponentially with the time you’ve been absent. Much like this graph:

I have to sort out a few details here in town before I can travel around California (details like new apartment, new car, surviving the continuous flood of work, etc.), but I am constantly hoping for soon rather than later.
Speaking of establishing new traditions, I have currently established a new tradition that I will be continuing this year. I will be traveling abroad to Europe at the end of May with my brother’s choir and my mother. I had so much fun in England that I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to participate in this program (even if I do have to pay for my whole trip). It’s funny how this all came to head after a night of drinking with my parents. Several drinks and one excited conversation later, I became so committed to the idea of the trip that nothing could sway me. Maybe it is true what they say about alcohol being the gateway to your true inner desires. Somehow, though, problem solving through alcohol makes me sound more like an alcoholic than an innovator.